Memo Date: October 29, 2024
Agenda Date: November 6, 2024
Prepared By: Lucilene Ribeiro - Planner
Through: Stockton Whitten - City Manager
Requested Action:
Consideration of a Zoning Text Amendment Appendix A, Article V of the code of the City of Cocoa to define Transportation Terminals, a permitted use applicable to properties located in M-1 zoning district and as a special exception use in C-G General Commercial district and commercia mixed use PUDs.
Ordinance No. 19-2024 proposes an amendment to the City of Cocoa Zoning Ordinance to establish a definition for "Transportation Terminals" and to distinguish it from the "Truck Parking Facilities" definition set forth in Ordinance 07-2024.
This ordinance responds to the need for a clear classification of transportation-related facilities, as current city zoning designations reference transportation terminals without providing a specific definition.
Under the proposed ordinance, "Transportation Terminals" encompass facilities that support the assembly and dispersal of both passengers and freight. These facilities are characterized by the inclusion of infrastructure such as buildings, equipment, berths, loading bays, freight yards, and warehouses. Passenger transportation terminals offer services like ticketing and security, while freight terminals provide storage and loading amenities. Facilities used primarily for short term or long-term vehicle parking shall not be considered transportation terminals
The M-1 zoning district in the City of Cocoa is designated for light industrial uses under the City's industrial future land use category, as outlined in the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning regulations. This district includes operations associated with manufacturing, warehousing, materials processing, and distribution, also permits transportation-related facilities, including truck terminals and distribution centers, to support light industrial activities and the transportation of goods.
Given that M-1 zoned properties are adjacent to residential areas, including multifamily residential, residential agricultural, and single-family residential zoning, careful consideration must be given to minimizing the impact of industrial operations on these lower-intensity land uses.
Industrial developments should employ mitigation strategies to buffer these differences in land use intensity. These measures aim to reduce visual, noise, and traffic impacts and maintain the residential character of neighboring zones. These strategies not only comply with Cocoa’s zoning policies but also ensure that industrial activities coexist sustainably with residential areas, preserving the quality of life for residents in adjacent properties.
Including a definition for transportation terminals helps prevent misinterpretations with other similar, more intensive and traffic-generating industrial uses, such as truck parking facilities, which are designated for the M-2 zoning district and are discouraged from being located near residential or low-intensity commercial areas.
I. Staff Analysis
Pursuant to Appendix A, Zoning, Article XXI, Amendment, Section 1(G)(2), the planning board shall consider and study:
a. The need and justification for the change.
b. The relationship of the proposed amendment to the purposes and objective of the comprehensive planning programs and to the comprehensive plan, with appropriate consideration as to whether the proposed changes will further the purposes of [the] zoning code and other codes, regulations, and actions designed to implement the comprehensive plan.
The introduction of a formal definition for "Transportation Terminals" is justified by the need for clarity in zoning regulations. It helps ensure that appropriate zoning requirements are met and enforced. This definition supports orderly urban development and aligns with city goals to provide structured guidelines for public and commercial transportation facilities.
The proposed zoning text amendment is anticipated to assist in attaining the following City goals and appears to be consistent with the following cited policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
Policy Industrial (IND). Industrial areas shall be regarded as appropriate for activities associated with industrial development, which can include materials processing, materials assembly, product manufacturing, and storage of finished products. Uses can include manufacturing facilities, warehouse distribution centers and truck terminals. The following criteria shall be used for determining appropriate locations for industrial land use designations on the future land use map.
D. Industrial development shall be designed to minimize the negative impacts on lower intensity land uses through such means as, for example, landscaping and appropriate transitional uses including low scale professional offices or medium density residential development.
GOAL 1.1: Create and maintain a broad range of land use activities that maximize the City's potential as a growth center while protecting the public health, safety, welfare, and appearance through the thoughtful planned use and development of the land and public facilities.
Objective 1.1.5: Neighborhood Protection. The City shall ensure that additional growth and development will be respectful of established neighborhoods that define much of the City’s character.
Policy Since 2009, the City has been exempt from state-mandated transportation concurrency. However, the City will continue to monitor transportation as a matter of local law as addressed in this Comprehensive Plan.
Policy As part of the Concurrency Management System, the City shall review proposed new developments for their impact on the roadway network.
Policy - Encourages land use that supports public transit along designated corridors, which aligns with the establishment of transportation terminals
Staff concluded that the proposed changes will aligned with the goals set forth in the City of Cocoa Comprehensive Plan and aims to support zoning regulations.
City Council approved on July 23, 2024 Ordinance 07-2024 amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cocoa to add truck parking facilities to the list of permitted uses in the M-2 zoning district and providing a definition of truck parking facilities.
Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Board recommend approval of Ordinance 19-2024 as presented.