Memo Date: August 9, 2024.
Agenda Date: August 27, 2024.
Prepared By: Charlene Neuterman, Community Services Director
Through: Stockton Whitten, City Manager
Requested Action:
Council approval on the grant application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the purpose of amending the existing grant (Agreement # 24PLN48) in the amount of $11,300 for additional services not provided under the first grant Scope of Services. Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute the task order.
In early Fiscal Year 2024, the City was awarded a Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) grant for Resilient Florida funding to conduct a Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment for the City. The contract was awarded to EXP U.S. Services, Inc. (Consultant) in the amount of $75,000. During the initial meetings with the consultant, it was determined that additional work would be necessary to fulfill the grant requirements. As part of the Consultant’s original proposal, only two public outreach meetings were planned. After discussion between Staff and the Consultant, it was determined that three public outreach meetings would better serve the City. Additionally, it was determined the Consultant would do a final presentation before the Boards/Council. This was not originally budgeted. An amended task order will be issued to EXP for the additional tasks for a total of $86,300. Staff is requesting that the City Manager have authority to execute this purchase.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a call for applications for the Resilient Florida funding opportunity. Notice was received by the State that the City is not compliant with Section 380.093 of the Florida Statutes regarding a vulnerability assessment. This grant cycle allows municipalities to apply for additional funds to support current grant projects.
The new tasks associated with this request are as follows.
1. Modification of Task 3 to include one additional public outreach meeting - $3,775
2. New Task 8 to include a comprehensive public presentation to local governing boards - $7,525
Total Grant Amendment Amount - $11,300
Total Grant Award if the amendment is approved - $86,300.
The grant is 100% reimbursable and requires no match by the municipality.
The application will be submitted on September 1, 2024. Upon award, Staff will return to Council to accept the grant award and approval to execute the grant agreement and subsequent agreement with a contractor to complete the tasks.
Economic and Community Development.
Budgeted N/A
Staff will return to Council upon award to amend the budget
23-704 (11/26/23) - Council notice grant application
24-251 (5/28/24) - Council acceptance of grant award
Council approval on the grant application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the purpose of amending the existing grant (Agreement # 24PLN48) in the amount of $11,300 for additional services not provided under the first grant Scope of Services. Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute the task order.