Memo Date: August 10, 2023
Agenda Date: September 12, 2023
Prepared By: Donnie Howard, Field Operations Manager
Through: John A. Walsh, P.E., Utilities Director
Requested Action:
To Approve Task Order No. 2024-34 with Jacobs Engineering, Inc. (Jacobs) to Provide Assistance with Project and Asset Management, Contractor Coordination and Documentation, Data Management and Quality Control, and Strategic Planning for Water Field Operations and the Cross-Connection Control Program; Pending Approval of the FY 2024 Budget
Since 2010, the Utilities Department has successfully implemented several proactive infrastructure condition assessment programs including a valve and hydrant assessment & replacement program, Cross-Connection Control (CCC) inspection/testing/replacement program, and pipeline condition assessment projects. These programs have provided comprehensive data critical to the successful implementation of proactive asset management programs managed by the Water Field Operations (WFO) division.
Due to the scope and complexity of these perpetual infrastructure assessment and repair/replacement programs, the Utilities Department has requested that Jacobs Engineering, Inc. (Jacobs) continue to augment City staff in the form of project and asset management assistance, contractor coordination and documentation of activities, data management and quality control assistance (including review of contractor submitted data and invoices), long-term strategic planning, and safety.
Proposed Task Order No. 2024-34 covers the period from date of October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024 with the following engineering services:
Task 1 - WFO & CCC Project Management and Asset Management Assistance
Jacobs will provide project management assistance in the form of documentation of asset management activities performed by WFO Staff, assistance with uploading of distribution system improvements to the GIS database,...
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