Memo Date: September 5, 2023
Agenda Date: September 12, 2023
Prepared By: Charlene Neuterman, Community Services Director
Through: Stockton Whitten, City Manager
Requested Action:
Adopt on Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 07-2023, adopting a Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment; amending figure FLU-1 set forth in the Future Land Use element to provide the RU-1-7 Zoning District as an allowable Zoning District in the Medium Density Residential Future Land use category and to provide the Institutional Zoning District as an allowable Zoning District in multiple Future Land Use categories...End
In order to encourage redevelopment, the City proposes a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment (Ordinance 07-2023), amending the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use figure FLU-1 (Policy by adding RU-1-7 Zoning as a Medium-Density Residential (MDR) Future Land Use, thus making the single-family residential an allowable option under the Medium-Density Residential FLU. The proposed plan amendment is anticipated to assist in attaining the following cited goals and objectives and appears to be consistent with the following cited policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
GOAL 1.1: Create and maintain a broad range of land use activities that maximize the City's potential as a growth center while protecting the public health, safety, welfare, and appearance through the thoughtful planned use and development of the land and public facilities.
Policy Land Use Categories. The adopted FLUM contains and identifies appropriate locations for the following land use categories. The maximum densities/intensities shown in Figure FLU-1 are not guaranteed for all sites within each category. The zoning map and land development regulations may impose tighter densities and intensities of development based on land use allocation criteria policies.
Policy Medium Density Residential (MDR). Medium-density residential...
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