Closed captioned livestreams and replays of all City of Cocoa City Council meetings can be found on the City's YouTube Channel. Simply click on the "CC" in the bottom right corner of the video.

Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/12/2023 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Cocoa City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
23-552 1II.1 AgendaApproval of the September 12, 2023 Regular City Council meeting agenda as written or with amendments.    Not available Not available
23-553 1II.2 MinutesApproval of the August 8, 2023 Regular Meeting minutes as written or with amendments.    Not available Not available
23-478 1V.1 AgendaTo Approve Task Order No. 2024-35 to Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. to Provide Program Management/Administration, Design Management and Construction Project Support Services for Operating Revenue funded Cocoa Utilities Capital Improvement Plan Program Projects related to Water Supply and Water Treatment; Pending Approval of the FY 2024 Budget. (Utilities Director)   Not available Not available
23-491 1V.2 ContractTo Approve Task Order No. 2024-34 with Jacobs Engineering, Inc. (Jacobs) to Provide Assistance with Project and Asset Management, Contractor Coordination and Documentation, Data Management and Quality Control, and Strategic Planning for Water Field Operations and the Cross-Connection Control Program; Pending Approval of the FY 2024 Budget. (Utilities Director)   Not available Not available
23-506 1V.3 AgendaApprove Task Order 2024-37 with Jacobs Engineering Group (Jacobs) for Program Management Services, Project No. WS1221, and Task Order 2024-36 for Plan Review Services to include Engineering Land Development Review, Project No. WS1221; Pending Approval of the FY2024 Budget (Utilities Director)   Not available Not available
23-512 1V.4 ContractApprove the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Cocoa and the Coastal Florida Police Benevolent Association (PBA) dated October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2024, amending Article 28 Wages for Fiscal Year 2024. (Administrative Services Director)   Not available Not available
23-518 1V.5 ContractApprove the revised collective bargaining agreement between the City of Cocoa and the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) for the contract term of October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2024, amending Article 29 Wages for Fiscal Year 2024. (Administrative Services Director)   Not available Not available
23-523 1V.6 AgendaTo Approve a Resolution Amending the FY23 Budget (BAF#23-111-T) in the amount of $340,000.00. (Utilities Director)   Not available Not available
23-525 1V.7 AgendaTo Approve Addendum #1 to Task Order 2023-26 (TO 2023-26.1) with Jacobs Engineering for additional utility support related to cost estimating of customer connections to the city water and sewer system, Project No. WS1221 (Utilities Director)   Not available Not available
23-528 1V.8 ReportApprove a Resolution Amending the FY23 Budget, BAF#23-113-T and Approve a Change Order of $25,000 for PO# 80367 for Fisher and Phillips, LLP., related to legal fees. (Administrative Services Director)   Not available Not available
23-533 1V.9 AgendaTo Approve Task Order Amendment 2021-01.2 with Danus Utilities, Inc. for the S.R. 528 Force Main Relocation Work, Project No. WS21FM, and Approve a Resolution Amending the FY23 Budget, BAF#23-119-T in the amount of $7,361. (Utilities Director)    Not available Not available
23-534 1V.10 AgendaApproval to dissolve the City of Cocoa Employee Sick Leave Bank and return sick leave accrual hours to the 65 current members. (Administrative Services Director)   Not available Not available
23-543 1V.11 Informational ItemAuthorize the City Manager to renew a maintenance agreement to provide critical IT infrastructure, pending the Adoption of the FY24 Budget. (Chief Technology Officer) *****This Item is Confidential per FS 119.0725 and Not for Public Release*****   Not available Not available
23-549 1VI.7 AgendaAdopt on Second and Final Reading Ordinance 14-2023, adopting a Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to the Transportation Element and Capital Improvements Element, removing minimum level of service standards for State Road 524. (Community Services Director)   Not available Not available
23-431 1V.12(b) ContractApprove Participation in a Multi-Year Piggy-Back Agreement with W&J Construction Corporation for Construction Manager at Risk Services Utilizing Brevard County’s Continuing Construction Manager (At Risk) Services, Contract # RFQ 6-22-05 Effective July 7, 2022 through 11/21/2025, subject to the City Manager and the City Attorney finalizing and approving the form of the contract; Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Piggyback Agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney and any Amendments and Renewals Under the Existing Contract. Approve a Resolution Amending the FY23 Budget, BAF#23-115-A to Fund the Project and Grant the City Manager the Authority to Adjust Account Lines with the Schedule of Values. Authorize the City Manager to Approve a Task Order in a form acceptable to the City Attorney & Purchase Order to W&J Construction Corporation for the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) of $1,889,004. Approve a Contingency Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to issue Owner Directed Change Orders not to exceed $80,000.   Not available Not available
23-468 1V.13(b) ContractApprove Multi-Year Piggyback agreements for Fire Equipment sales, service, and supplies with Ten-8 Fire and Safety LLC, Technical, North American Fire Equipment Company(NAFECO), Municipal Equipment Company LLC, Municipal Emergency Services(MES) Inc, Medline Industries Inc, Life-Assist Inc, Henry Schein, Fisher Scientific Company, Bennett Fire Products Company, and All Safe Industries utilizing the Lake County contract awards #22-730A to 22-730K through July 31, 2025, Authorize the City Manager to execute amendments and extensions. (Fire Chief)   Not available Not available
23-488 1V.14(b) Informational ItemTo Approve Multi-year Task Order 2023-33 with Jacobs Engineering, Inc. (Jacobs) to provide Engineering services for the design, permitting, and bidding of the project to replace the Carbon Dioxide Storage and Feed System at the Dyal Water Treatment Plant (WS23BR). (Utilities Director)   Not available Not available
23-526 1VI.1 ResolutionConduct a Public Hearing on the Tentative Millage Rate and Tentative FY24 Budget and: Adopt Resolution No. 2023-093 adopting a tentative millage rate of 6.9532 mills, for the City of Cocoa, commencing on October 1, 2023 and ending on September 30, 2024. Adopt Resolution No. 2023-094 adopting the FY2024 tentative budget and CIP for the City of Cocoa Fiscal Year, commencing on October 1, 2023 and ending on September 30, 2024. (Finance Director)   Not available Not available
23-544 1VI.2 AgendaAdopt on Second and Final Reading Ordinance 15-2023, a Zoning Map Amendment consistent with Appendix A, Zoning, Article XXI, to change the Zoning Map designation of one parcel totaling 6.61 acres from Brevard County RU-2-10 (Medium-Density Multiple-Family Residential) to City of Cocoa RU-2-15 (Multiple Family Dwelling), with the condition that the maximum density of the property shall be 4 dwelling units per acre. (Community Services Director)   Not available Not available
23-545 1VI.3 AgendaAdopt on Second and Final Reading Ordinance 16-2023 of a Land Development Code Amendment to amend the list of permitted uses related to restaurants in the M-2 District. (Community Services Director)   Not available Not available
23-546 1VI.4 AgendaAdopt on Second and Final Reading Ordinance 18-2023, a Zoning Text Amendment to Appendix A, Article XI, Section 22 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cocoa to allow Large Scale Commercial/Mixed-Use Buildings on certain properties within the Cocoa Waterfront Overlay District and to amend the list of permitted and special exception uses in the South End Subdistrict of the Cocoa Waterfront Overlay District. (Community Services Director)   Not available Not available
23-547 1VI.5 AgendaAdopt on Second and Final Reading Ordinance 19-2023, a Zoning Text Amendment regarding height and placement of Visual screens, including fences and walls, for certain residential uses. (Community Services Director)   Not available Not available
23-548 1VI.6 AgendaAdopt on Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 07-2023, adopting a Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment; amending figure FLU-1 set forth in the Future Land Use element to provide the RU-1-7 Zoning District as an allowable Zoning District in the Medium Density Residential Future Land use category and to provide the Institutional Zoning District as an allowable Zoning District in multiple Future Land Use categories. (Community Services Director)   Not available Not available
23-554 1VII.1 AgendaCouncil authorization to hold a community meeting to discuss the ongoing challenges at Gilmore Family Park on Prospect Avenue and potential opportunities for the parcel. (Community Services Director)   Not available Not available
23-522 1VIII.1 AgendaTo Approve a Resolution Amending the FY23 Budget (BAF#23-110-ITF) in the amount of $60,000.00; To Approve the Corresponding Change Order #1 for P.O. 80244 with Connect Consulting, Inc. in the Amount of $60,000.00. (Utilities Director)   Not available Not available
23-537 1IX.1 Informational ItemThis is an informational item to update City Council about Budget Adjustment #23-116-A, for the waterfront demolition from Hurricanes Ian and Nicole. (Interim Public Works Director)   Not available Not available
23-551 1IX.2 Informational ItemCity Council Bi-Weekly Report, August 18 - September 7, 2023. (City Manager)   Not available Not available