| 1 | II.1 | | Informational Item | Approve the Agenda for the Regular City Council meeting of December 10, 2024 as written or with amendments. | | |
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| 1 | V.1 | | Agenda | To Approve Task Orders 2025-11, 2025-12, & 2025-13 with Atlantic Development of Cocoa, Inc. utilizing RFQ# 20-18-COC for Construction Repair of Existing Stormwater Infrastructure in three locations for a total amount of $204,646; To Approve a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Approve and Execute Change Orders in an Amount Not to Exceed $20,000 (10% of the Task Order Contract Amount) for a Total Project Cost of $224,646; Authorize the City Manager to issue the purchase orders. (Public Works Director) | | |
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| 1 | II.2(b) | | Minutes | Approve the Minutes for the Regular City Council Meeting of September 24, 2024 as written or with amendments. | | |
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| 1 | | | Agenda | Approve a multi-year contract for full-depth pavement reclamation with Asphalt Paving Systems piggy-backing off the Citrus County contract ITB 24-088 in the amount of $366,565 for Range Road. Approve additional milling and paving from Goodson Paving, Inc. piggy-backing off the Brevard County contract B-6-23-70, in the amount of $267,908 for Range Road. Approve striping with Fausnight Line and Stripe piggy-backing off the existing Seminole County contract IFB-604562-23 in the amount of $27,290. Approve BAF 25-011-PT. Authorize the City Manager to sign the related agreements and multi-year contract renewals. Authorize the City Manager to issue the purchase orders. Approve a contingency resolution authorizing the City Manager to approve and execute change orders in an amount not to exceed $50,000 for a total project cost of $711,763. (Public Works Director) | | |
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| 1 | VI.2 | | Ordinance | Approval of Ordinance No. 16-2024/Final Reading: related to Chapter 2, Administration, Article VII Police Officers’ Retirement Plan; Amending Section 2-196, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility; Amending Section 2-198, Disability; Amending Section 2-218, Deferred Retirement Option Plan; Providing for incorporation into the Code; Providing for severability of provisions; Repealing all ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith and providing an effective date. (Administrative Services Director) | | |
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| 1 | VI.4 | | Agenda | Pass on SECOND READING Ordinance 18-2024, a Zoning Text Amendment revising tree protection and preservation standards, including procedures for waivers of these requirements, as outlined in Appendix A, Article XIII, Section 22 of the City of Cocoa Code. (Planner) | | |
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| 1 | VIII.1 | | Agenda | Approve the Evaluation Committee’s recommendation to select Lennar Homes, LLC for RFP P-25-02-COC (Michael C. Blake Subdivision Affordable Housing Project) to construct homes on the remaining lots in the Michael C. Blake Subdivision. Authorize the City Manager and City Attorney to negotiate a Project Agreement which will then be returned to City Council for final approval. (Community Services Director) | | |
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| 1 | VII.3 | | Agenda | City Council Liaison Appointments and Appointment of the Space Coast League of Cities & Florida League of Cities Voting Delegates & Alternates for 2025. (Administrative Services Director) | | |
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| 1 | VI.5 | | Agenda | Consideration, on 2nd reading, of an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cocoa, Brevard County, Florida; amending Appendix A, Article XI, Sections 4a and 22 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cocoa to allow for Neighborhood Commercial, Mixed-Use development, and public parking on certain very limited properties within the Consent Decree area, also known as the Heart of Cocoa, consistent with the Substitute Consent Decree; amending the list of permitted and special exception uses for the Consent Decree Area; amending the building types permitted for those certain properties authorized for Neighborhood Commercial and Mixed-Use development within the Heart of Cocoa subdistrict of the Cocoa Waterfront Overlay District as more particularly depicted on exhibit “A” attached hereto; and amending the bulk regulations for single-family, duplex, triplex, and fourplex development in the Consent Decree Area; amending the minimum yard setbacks in the Consent Decree Area; and updating the building types table for consistency with the list of permitted uses for the Consent Decree Area. | | |
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| 1 | V.2 | | Resolution | Approve a Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 2025 Adopted Budget, BAF# 25-002-A1 & A2, to provide budget for items such as capital projects and maintenance, that were budgeted within FY24 and not yet executed, through the use of Fund Balance Reserves and other Revenue Sources. (Finance Director) | | |
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| 1 | VI.6 | | Agenda | Consideration on first reading for approval Ordinance 13-2024 a Land Development Code Text Amendment Appendix A, Article XI, Section 12 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cocoa to add major recreational equipment sales and rentals, and limited types of commercial vehicles and heavy equipment sales and rentals, to the list of permitted uses of subsection (A)(12) in the C-G, Commercial-General, zoning district. (Planner) | | |
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| 1 | V.4 | | Informational Item | Approve a Budget Resolution Amending the FY25 Budget, BAF#25-014-A, for FY24 Project Roll and to Shore Up the remaining balances of SLFRF (ARPA) funds, in the amount of $121,204. Authorize the City Manager to make any further Budget Transfers regarding SLFRF for the remainder of the year. The SLFRF funds must be obligated by December 31, 2024. (Finance Director) | | |
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| 1 | VI.7 | | Agenda | Consideration on 1st reading of Ordinance No. 15-2024, a City-initiated Ordinance amending the official Zoning Map designation of sixteen (16) parcels of real property, totaling 8.36 acres, more or less, and generally located adjacent to state road 520 near the intersections with Virginia Avenue, Ruth Street, and Aurora Street, in Cocoa, Florida, more particularly depicted and described on exhibit “A” attached here to from Brevard County Single-Family Residential (RU-1-9), General Retail Commercial (BU-1), and Retail, Warehousing & Wholesale Commercial (BU-2) to City of Cocoa General Commercial (C-G). (Planner) | | |
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| 1 | V.5(b) | | Contract | To Approve a Resolution Amending the FY2025 Budget, BAF No. 25-009-IFT; Approve the Vortex Proposal for Manhole Rehabilitation Services Utilizing the HGAC (Houston-Galveston Area Council) National Cooperative Purchasing Contract No. TP07-18 Effective July 1, 2018 through June 29, 2021, Renewed Through June 30, 2025. (Utilities Director) | | |
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| 1 | V.6(b) | | Contract | Approve the DMD Consultants, Inc. Proposal for Servicing, Abrasive Blasting, Painting, and Inspection of a Select Number of Hydrants Utilizing the JEA Contract No. 189884 Effective June 10, 2020 through June 11, 2025. (Utilities Director) | | |
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| 1 | V.7(b) | | Agenda | Approve a multi-year contract for cured in place stormwater pipe lining (CIPP) with Inliner Solutions, LLC piggybacking off the St. Augustine Beach Construction Agreement No. 23-07-MCA-ILS in the amount of $167,790. Authorize the City Manager to sign contract amendments, renewals and purchase orders up to the annual budgeted amount. Request Approval to Transfer Funds, BAF# 25-013-T in the amount of $7,790 From Stormwater Fund Contingency. (Public Works Director) | | |
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| 1 | VIII.3 | | Agenda | Approve First Addendum to Improvement Agreement for Lakes at Cocoa Grove subdivision. (City Manager) | | |
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| 1 | VI.1 | | Ordinance | Approval of Ordinance No. 17-2024/Final Reading: Amending Chapter 2, Administration, Article VIII, Firefighters’ Retirement Plan of the Code by amending: Section 2-326, Cost of Living Increase; Section 2-331, Deferred Retirement Option Plan; Providing for Codification; Providing for Severability of Provisions; Repealing all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith and Providing an Effective Date.(Administrative Services Director) | | |
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| 1 | VI.3 | | Agenda | Pass on SECOND READING Ordinance 19-2024, a Zoning Text Amendment regarding Appendix A, Article V of the code of the City of Cocoa to define Transportation Terminals, a permitted use applicable to properties located in M-1 cumulative zoning district and as a special exception use in C-G General Commercial district and commercial mixed-use PUDs. (Planner) | | |
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| 1 | VII.1 | | Report | Approve the current Code Enforcement Lien for the property located at 228 Beverly Rd., be reduced to $2,741.58 as recommended by the Code Enforcement Board. (Police Chief) | | |
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| 1 | VII.2 | | Appointment | Consider Mayor Blake’s request to reappoint Ms. Chenita Joiner as a member of the Cocoa Housing Authority through December, 2028. (Administrative Services Director) | | |
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| 1 | VIII.2 | | Informational Item | Accept a Bank of America Proposal for lease financing to purchase capital equipment, Approve Resolution 24-108 for a Master Lease Agreement with Bank of America for debt proceeds up to a maximum of $2,600,000; Approve a Resolution Amending the FY25 Budget BAF # 25-015-A in the Amount of $309,793 for Critical I.T. Infrastructure; Approval authorizing the Authorized Officials stated in the Resolution and City Attorney to execute documents necessary to complete the debt financing. Further, approval authorizing the City Manager’s authority to make necessary budgetary changes of debt proceeds and debt payments and equipment costs to correspond to Bank of America’s proposal. (Finance Director) | | |
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| 1 | V.3 | | Informational Item | Announcement of Mayor Blake, Councilmember Hearn and Councilmember Koss to Attend the Florida League of Cities Legislative Conference from December 4, 2024 - December 6, 2024. (City Manager) | | |
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| 1 | VIII.4 | | Agenda | Approve a multi-year contract for full-depth pavement reclamation with Asphalt Paving Systems piggy-backing off the Citrus County contract ITB 24-088 in the amount of $366,565 for Range Road. Approve additional milling and paving from Goodson Paving, Inc. piggy-backing off the Brevard County contract B-6-23-70, in the amount of $267,908 for Range Road. Approve striping with Fausnight Line and Stripe piggy-backing off the existing Seminole County contract IFB-604562-23 in the amount of $27,290. Approve BAF 25-011-PT. Authorize the City Manager to sign the related agreements and multi-year contract renewals. Authorize the City Manager to issue the purchase orders. Approve a contingency resolution authorizing the City Manager to approve and execute change orders in an amount not to exceed $50,000 for a total project cost of $711,763. (Public Works Director) | | |
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| 1 | II.2(a) | | Informational Item | Approve the Minutes for the Second Budget Hearing of September 17, 2024 as written or with amendments. | | |
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| 1 | | | Informational Item | Informational Only – The City of Cocoa's Open Board Vacancies. (Administrative Services Director) | | |
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| 1 | III.1 | | Informational Item | Proclamation: National Homeless Persons Memorial Day (Brevard Homeless Coalition) | | |
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| 1 | | | Informational Item | Bi-weekly Report from November 9 - December 5, 2024. (City Manager) | | |
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